
Coal-powered crisis: The cost of Germany’s energy U-turn: This briefing analyses Germany's recent increased reliance on coal, and what consequences this has for meeting the country's legally binding climate commitments. It focuses on the coal phase-out and the energy transition in Germany, making recommendations for the German Federal Government to phase out coal-fired power generation by 2030.

EJF’s Climate Policy Briefing for the Taiwanese Government: If Taiwan can demonstrate how good climate governance should be carried out, it would establish a leading position in the global community of nations that are taking action on climate change.

環境正義基金會致台灣政府氣候政策報告: 如果可以展現完善的氣候治理應如何被落實,台灣就可以在對氣候變遷採取行動的國際社會之中,確立不可動搖的領導地位。

暴風雨中無處可躲:氣候難民迫切需要被承認和保護: 對因氣候危機而被迫離開家園的人們而言,目前的法律保護零散且不符合其需求。這份報告檢視了氣候難民相關的國際框架,並發現不僅定義含糊不清,保護措施也不一致。

In search of justice: How the climate crisis is driving inequality and eroding human rights: This report highlights how the climate crisis is fuelling inequalities within and between countries worldwide, with low-income, marginalised people in both developed and developing countries being disproportionately affected by climate breakdown.

Ocean action is climate action: A secure biodiverse ocean is key for climate mitigation and the protection of coastal communities: This policy briefing by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Oceana lists actions the German G7 Presidency should take to achieve a 30x30 ocean protection plan which safeguards biodiversity, advances the goals of the Paris Agreement and protects the human rights of coastal communities.

Putin's war: fuelled, funded and facilitated by fossil fuels: Millions of Ukrainians have now fled their homes as a result of Vladimir Putin’s invasion. At the same time, around the globe, the intensifying impacts of the climate crisis are driving millions of people from their homes. There is one common thread to both of these events: they are driven by the addiction of wealthy countries to fossil fuels.

No shelter from the storm: The urgent need to recognise and protect climate refugees: Legal protections for those forced from their homes by the climate crisis are patchy and not fit for purpose. This report, which examines international frameworks that touch on the issue, found that definitions are vague, and protections are inconsistent.

Injustice on the frontlines of the climate crisis in the US: Existing social and racial inequalities put marginalised communities in the US at greater risk of suffering in the face of climate impacts, and those inequalities will be exacerbated as the climate crisis deepens.

EJF climate manifesto: Policy summary: The climate crisis is here now. This policy summary details the whole-of-society transformation needed to avoid its worst impacts, delivering a more sustainable global economy and a safer planet.

What is environmental justice?: EJF's view of environmental justice, and why it has never been more important.

Legal status and protection for climate refugees as a key part of climate justice: Explicit legal recognition that people are being forcibly displaced from their homes by the climate crisis is urgently needed.